2024 Travel Schedule

Mistress Gweneth tours monthly. However, she is happy to accept a FMTY or DMTY. Travel to your location, for a FMTY or DMTY, is possible once the following requirements are met.

Quality Hotel reservation in Mistress’s name.

All commercial flights over 3 hours will be in a higher class of service to guarantee Mistress’s comfort and happiness.

A commercial flight must be prepaid.

A Generous deposit must be made before the reservation is accepted and is non-refundable.

*Reservations can be made only after we have spoken. Confirmation the morning of a pre-booked session is required. Failure to comply will result in a cancellation.

Tardiness may be forgiven only if Mistress is informed before the appointment time starts.

Mistress loves to fly private if champagne is on board.

You are what you do, not what you say you’ll do. – Carl Jung

1- 19 Palm Desert
20-21 FMTY
22-24 Omaha
24-26 SLC
27-28 Palm Desert
29-31 Nashville

1-2 Dallas
3-8 Palm Desert
9-10 Irvine
11 In a plane
12-14 London
15-18 Sweden
19-20 Copenhagen
21-22 London
23-25 Holland
26 London
27 Phoenix
28-29 Palm Desert

1-2 Beverly Hills
3-5 Palm Desert
6-8 SLC
9-10 FMTY
11-17 Palm Desert
18-20 Tulsa/Broken Arrow
21-24 Dallas
25-31 Palm Desert

1-25 Palm Desert
26-28 Canton, Ohio
29-30 Palm Desert

1-3 Nashville
5-6 Omaha
6-8 FMTY
9-14 Palm Desert
15-17 FMTY
18 Palm Desert
19-21 Pittsburgh
21-23 Washington DC
23-25 Philadelphia
26-31 Palm Desert

1-5 Palm Desert
6-7 Nashville /FMTY
8-22 Palm Desert
23-25 Las Vegas
26 Palm Desert
27-29 unavailable
30 Palm Desert

1-8 Palm Desert
9-11 Nashville
12-14 Dallas
15-17 Omaha
18-28 Palm Desert
29-31 New Haven
31 Detroit

1 Detroit
1-3 Grand Rapids
4 Dallas
5-7 Pittsburgh
8-11 Palm Desert
12-16 London
17-18 Palm Desert
19-21 Chicago
21-23 Omaha
24-31 Palm Desert

Reservation Request

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